Wish List

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Designed for B2C stores, the Wishlist app adds a heart icon to digital shelves and product details pages, allowing users to add their desired products to a wishlist.

In addition, it generates a brand-new route called /wishlist under the My Account menu, creating a page with the items users added to the wishlist.

Configurating the wishlist

  1. Install the Wishlist app in the desired VTEX account by running vtex install vtex.wish-list in your terminal.

  2. Open your Store Theme app directory in the code editor.

  3. Add the Wishlist app to your theme's manifest.json file inside peerDependencies as shown below:

 "peerDependencies": {
+  "vtex.wish-list": "1.x"

ℹ️ The Wishlist app can export two theme blocks when added as a dependency: add-to-list-btn and list-context.wishlist. These are responsible for adding the heart icon to other theme blocks and providing product data to build the /wishlist, which is also shared with the My Account page.

  1. Add the add-to-list-btn block in the store.product template's children block list. For example:

  "store.product": {
    "children": [
+      "add-to-list-btn"
  1. Declare the add-to-list-btn block as a child of the product-summary.shelf blocks in your theme. For example:

  "product-summary.shelf": {
    "children": [
+     "add-to-list-btn",

ℹ️ The new route called /wishlist, which creates the Wishlist custom page containing the products added to the wishlist, already has a default template and is rendered under the My Account menu. No further action is required. However, you can customize the Wishlist page by overwriting the template. To do so, you have to create a brand new one as you wish. See more details in the Advanced configurations section below.

Advanced configurations

The Wishlist app architecture allows you to customize the /wishlist page using other blocks. Currently, its default implementation is as follows:

store.wishlist interface for the route /wishlist and my-account-page.wishlist-page along with my-account-link.wishlist-link for the Wishlist section under My Account.


  "my-account-link.wishlist-link": {
    "props": {
      "label": "My Wishlist"
  "my-account-page.wishlist-page": {
    "props": {
      "title": "Wishlist"
    "children": ["list-context.wishlist"]
  "store.wishlist": {
    "blocks": ["flex-layout.row#top", "list-context.wishlist"]
  "flex-layout.row#top": {
    "children": ["flex-layout.col#title"]
  "flex-layout.col#title": {
    "children": ["rich-text#title"],
    "props": {
      "blockClass": "titleWishlist",
      "preventVerticalStretch": true
  "rich-text#title": {
    "props": {
      "text": "### Wishlist"
  "list-context.wishlist": {
    "blocks": ["product-summary.shelf#wishlist"],
    "children": ["slider-layout#wishlist"]
  "product-summary.shelf#wishlist": {
    "children": [
  "slider-layout#wishlist": {
    "props": {
      "itemsPerPage": {
        "desktop": 5,
        "tablet": 3,
        "phone": 1
      "showNavigationArrows": "desktopOnly",
      "showPaginationDots": "always",
      "infinite": false,
      "fullWidth": true,
      "blockClass": "shelf"

Add the plugins.json file to your theme's /store/ folder. This will add the Wishlist to My Account.


  "my-account-pages > my-account-page": "my-account-page.wishlist-page",
  "my-account-menu > my-account-link": "my-account-link.wishlist-link"

By "default implementation" we mean that, by installing the Wishlist app in your store, you're using the json above behind the scenes to build the new page template (/wishlist), as shown in the third image displayed above.

Therefore, to customize the /wishlist page configuration, you need to:

  1. Create a wishlist.jsonc file under store/blocks.

  2. Create a plugins.json file under store/.

  3. Copy the code above, paste it in the new file, and change it as you wish.

  4. Deploy your changes.

If you want to configure the layout without the slider-layout dependency, you can use the list-context-renderer to wrap the product-summary.shelf. Learn more here.

my-account-link.wishlist-link props

Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value



Changes the section menu label on the My Account page



There are a couple of URLs to read, search and change data for the app:

To read the schema of the Wishlist app:

curl --request GET \
     --url 'https://{{accountName}}.vtexcommercestable.com.br/api/dataentities/wishlist/schemas/wishlist' \
     --header 'VtexIdClientAutCookie: {authToken}' \

To GET all the wishlist data:

curl --request GET \
     --url 'https://{environment}--{accountName}.myvtex.com/_v/wishlist/export-lists' \
     --header 'VtexIdClientAutCookie: {authToken}' \

To search for a wishlist by user email:

curl --request GET \
     --url 'https://{{accountName}}.vtexcommercestable.com.br/api/dataentities/wishlist/search?' \
     --header 'VtexIdClientAutCookie: {authToken}' \

To PATCH a wishlist to Master Data:

curl --request PATCH \
     --url 'https://{{accountName}}.vtexcommercestable.com.br/api/dataentities/wishlist/documents' \
     --header 'VtexIdClientAutCookie: {authToken}' \
     --data '

To DELETE a wishlist from Master Data:

curl --request DELETE \
     --url 'https://{{accountName}}.vtexcommercestable.com.br/api/dataentities/wishlist/documents/{documentId}' \
     --header 'VtexIdClientAutCookie: {authToken}' \

Custom URL for toast messages

To change the link of the toast message:

  "add-to-list-btn#myButton": {
    "props": {
      "toastURL": "/wishlist"
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value



Changes the link of the toast message


Custom view for empty wishlists

To show a custom view if no product has been added to the wishlist:

  "list-context.wishlist": {
+    "blocks": ["wishlist-empty-list", "product-summary.shelf#wishlist"],
    "children": ["slider-layout#wishlist"],
    "props": {
      "showViewEmptyList": true
  "wishlist-empty-list": {
    "children": [
  "rich-text#description": {
    "props": {
      "text": "### There are no products",
      "textAlignment": "CENTER",
      "textPosition": "CENTER",
      "font": "t-heading-2"

list-context.wishlist props

Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value



Shows a custom view if no product has been added to the wishlist



To apply CSS customizations to this and other blocks, follow the instructions in Using CSS handles for store customization.

CSS handles
















Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people:

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!

Last updated