SKU Selector

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SKU Selector

The sku-selector block is mainly used in Product Details Pages (PDPs) to display all the SKUs available for a given product.


  1. Import the vtex.sku-selector app to your theme's dependencies in the manifest.json file as in the following example:

eplu io add sku-selector
  "dependencies": {
    "vtex.sku-selector": "0.x"
  1. Add the sku-selector block to any child of the store.product template (product page). For example:

  "store.product": {
    "children": [
  "flex-layout.row#product": {
    "children": [
+     "sku-selector"
  1. Then, declare the sku-selector block using the props stated in the Props table. For example:

  "sku-selector": {
    "props": {
      "hideImpossibleCombinations": false

sku-selecor and summary-sku-selector props

  • visibleVariations props

  • sliderItemsPerPage props

sku-quantity props

availables vars in sku-quanttiy message


To apply CSS customizations in this and other blocks, follow the Using CSS handles for store customization guide.

Last updated